Tag: Trickster

  • Cross’ Bridge | Health and Safety | Middle Class Obedience


    Some photos of Michael Cross’ installation at Dilston Grove – a disused shell of a church on the edge of Southwark Park. The main body of the church has been filled with a tank of water. As you step out over it, steps appear from the water. They are meant to disappear behind you, leaving…

  • Three-view Tele | Now That’s Community

    No doubt about it, Sharp are clever people. They’ve developed an LCD screen that shows 3 different images, depending on your viewpoint. As Far East Gizmos put it, “these displays have allowed Sharp to once again create new demand and contribute to the creation of new lifestyles.” Call me a grouch, but is part of…

  • The FlowMarket™


    Thanks to Saga for this [link] All products available from The Flowmarket™ Technorati Tags: Art, Consumption, Design, Flow Market

  • Greenbelt | Dirty Theology | Judas v Jesus: Two Tricksters

    Just back from Greenbelt, which, like Ben and Jonny, I think was one of the best ever. Personal highlights were the series of talks by Christopher Booker on the spiritual / psychological background to stories [available here and here], and Michael Franti’s gig closing the festival – not to mention hanging out with Greg and…

  • Soliton | The Gospel of Welcome

    Just at LAX now on my way back from Solition. What with the security alerts in the UK, my flights home have been changed, cancelled and delayed… and changed again to suit me much better than the original plan. At one time I thought I’d have no hand baggage allowed, but they’ve relaxed that just…

  • How many EC Bloggers Does it Take to Change a Light Bulb?

    In the great tradition of such things, I propose: 1 To change the bulb and post about it 315 To lurk around and make no comment 2 To propose a stack of del.icio.us tags the poster should have put in 16 To complain he should have used categories 4 To flag up a conference on…