Tag: Science

  • Finally Teleportation is Possible ¦ So That’s How Philip Did it


    I’ve always gawped in wonder at the bit in Acts 8 where "the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. Philip, however, appeared at Azotus". The only teleportation reference in the Bible? Anyway, seems like they’ve finally worked out how…

  • Global Re-boot | Deep Ecology

    The Norwegian government today released the final plans today for the ‘doomsday vault’ that will eventually hold seeds from all known varieties of crops in safe storage in case of ‘nuclear war, asteroid strike or environmental catastrophe’. They’re building it on a remote island near the North Pole. In the event of a burn up…

  • Wake up, sleepy heads!

    Sleep has always fascinated me. Something about absence making the heart grow fonder, perhaps. Via Wired today there’s a great article about science’s renewed interest in sleep: why do we do it? Fish die quicker without sleep than food… It is essential to all mammals. One interesting perspective it raises: the more sensible question is…

  • We Like (Gay) Sheep Have Gone Astray?

    In today’s Independent there is an interesting piece about gay sheep: For the past five years, a team of researchers at Orgeon State University has been investigating the sexuality of sheep. Early on, they proved what every sheep farmer knows: some 8 per cent of rams are gay. When it comes to sex, these woolly…