Tag: Leadership

  • President vs Archbishop | The End of Patriarchal Leadership?

    A couple of recent posts I’ve read to link together: In an excellent post here Will Samson explores the failings of the religious right in US politics. “Beyond the public moral failures, however I believe that 2006 will be the beginning of significant political failures for the religious right. I believe we will begin to…

  • In Defence of Alt.Worship | We Haven’t Even Begun to ‘Emerge’ Yet

    I was disappointed to read on Jonny’s blog that Graham Cray wanted to down-play the significance of alt.worship and emerging churches in the future of the church. And I’m glad Jonny attempted to correct him. Just a couple of observations. According to Jonny’s notes, Graham Cray said: “Mission vision not church angst. Emerging churches good…

  • A Party-less Politic? | The Emerging Church Shows the Way

    Just been listening to a very interesting report on the BBC about The Power Commission’s report into British democracy which has been published today. The parallels with Alan Jamieson’s work on Churchless Faith were astounding and, as I mentioned in my book, the church really does have an amazing opportunity to model a mode of…

  • Carpenter from Nazareth Needs Joiners


    Contender for worst Christian sign ever. In case you’ve been wondering, it’s DIY week. Or half term – never can remember what it’s really called these days. Certainly not holiday… Will need a relaxing week’s teaching after all this. Carpentry, wallpapering, re-wiring, insulating… The list goes on. And on. I remember hearing one David Pawson…

  • 100 Reasons You Should Be At This Event

    1. Si Johnston promises me it’s going to be good. And, even though he’s an Anfield boy, I’ll trust him on this. Click his link for further details. 2. Soliton. Worth it. 3. The Craic. 4.-100. Make up for yourself to justify the trip. And then Carbon Neutrailise it. GoLowImpact™ Contact Si via his blog…

  • Is It Time for Positive Discrimination at Emerging Church Events?

    I’m thinking aloud here, rather than criticizing a particular event. We’re all guilty, and all need to change. But following a link on another blog to this EC conference and its 3 white male key speakers made me wonder: is it about time we tried positive discrimination? For those unfamiliar with the idea, it’s something…