Tag: Leadership
Should Mission be about Funding? | Small is Beautiful
Over at TallSkinnyKiwi Andrew has posted some thoughts on How To Ask Foundations For Money. This isn’t the first time Andrew’s posts have made me feel a little uncomfortable. And it won’t be the last. And I’m glad about that. He’s a guy who keeps me itching. But, I have to say, the post did…
The 3rd Economy: Gift, Market and Plunder [1] | Christian Leadership and the Leisure Class
As some of you may know, I’ve been working on a novel for the past few months, playing with themes, among others, of the links between identity and consumption. One of the books I’ve picked up to feed the furnace has been Thorstein Veblen’s 1899 satire Conspicuous Consumption (an excerpt from his longer work The…
Leadership Day This Saturday
Looking forward to spending this Saturday discussing leadership issues at the first Blah… learning day, with Anna Draper, Jonny Baker and Paul Roberts. I’ll be sharing some thoughts first published here. Book [ here ] Technorati Tags: Emerging Church, Ministry, Theology, Westminster
Bi-Vocational Leadership | Si’s ‘Life More Ordinary’
Excellent post from Si Johnston here. “So in closing, I think our new terrain for mission requires a serious look at the training grounds for leaders, the growing of new streamlined infrastructures for supporting less full-time leaders which in turn must be coupled with a pro-active move towards ‘bi-vocational leadership’ for more people.” As I…
A Polite Message to Condoleezza Rice About Democracy
Condoleezza is currently enjoying a tour of the North of the UK, hosted by Jack Straw, UK Foreign Secretary, and they have faced anti-war demonstrators at every turn. Condi’s response: “The protesters make my point. Democracy is the only system that allows people to be heard, and heard peacefully.” It’s not just her. This has…
Emerging Leadership Day | Churchless Faith Follow-up Book
Two quick links: Firstly, I am looking forward to sharing some thoughts on leadership in emerging organizations at the blah… learning day. I’ll be joined by Maggi Dawn, who will reflect on trying to re-imagine leadership in the ancient structures of the Anglican church and Ana Draper of L8R, who has recently completed her MSc…