Tag: Gift

  • The Gift: What Separates Us From The Apes?


    Very interesting feature in the journal Nature (article here; podcast here) about new research that shows that chimps have absolutely no altruistic bones in their bodies. Given carefully constructed opportunities to do a friend a favour… they just didn’t. This research doesn’t, of course, prove that true altruism exists in humankind. Many would say it…

  • Sowing Your Seed…


    Interesting debate going on in the UK media at the moment about whether or not people should be paid to donate their eggs/sperms. The UK watchdog on this has recommended that payments for sperm stop, and that people should simply receive recompense for travel and/or loss of earnings. The reason given? ‘Because people should be…

  • The Bubble Project


    Another great link from the super-powers at Ratio The Bubble Project is that simple. Get a load of speech bubble stickers. Stick them on ads. Go back later with a camera. Share online.

  • What Do You Want to Change Today?

    The Japanese principle of Kaizen proposes that the best way to change an organization is in tiny incremental steps. The permission-giving starts with the management of course, but the key is that each individual worker performing their little task within the company is given the power to change their environment or working practices so that…

  • “We Knock Upon Silence for an Answering Music”

    May sees the creative act as an encounter between two poles. A dialectical process between the subjective pole – the artist – and the objective pole – that which the artist is contemplating. It is in the moment of encounter between them that newness occurs. He quotes Archibald MacLeish on this, who sees these two…

  • The Courage to Create


    Have just started reading The Courage to Create which was given to me last week. Prometheus, Adam and Eve, courage in the face of a changing society, creative archetypes… It’s been a very stimulating read so far discussing from a psychologist’s perspective where the creative impulse comes from. Publishers Weekly call it “A signal testimonial…