Tag: Culture
Death-Wish | Don’t Demonise Cho
The release of Cho’s video all over the media is just another example of technology being used without proper restraint, not unlike the shooting itself. It’s a horrific violation of those suffering. In a previous post, and in the comments that followed, I was trying to probe a link between these killings and the spate…
Doing No Favours | Non Violence [2]
What a terrible tragedy in Virginia. The families – and whole community – are in my thoughts and prayers as they try to find some way through this. The soul-searching has already begun here. The UK press have been pointing out the all too frequent nature of these such attacks. Guns and stressful modern life…
[Grid::Blog::Via Crucis 2007] Constantine and ‘Power Church’ | The End of Strategy [4]
I’ve been attempting to argue over this series of posts that Jesus’ passion, in contrast to Judas’ scheming to catalyze Jesus into revolution, and Paul’s strategizing to get to Rome, critiques the power-plays that we try to make as Christians. Through Game Theory we have been duped into thinking our best strategy is to not…
Dangerous Representation ¦ Chocolate Jesus’ Penis ¦ Trickster Art
In news rather like that surrounding the furore over Andreas Serrano’s ‘Piss Christ‘, the BBC are reporting ‘outrage’ over a 6 foot chocolate Jesus being displayed in a gallery in Manhattan. The piece, entitled ‘My Sweet Lord’ is by the artist Cosimo Cavallaro has drawn huge fire from the Catholic League, who described the piece…
Spring | The Compost Christ Flowers Again | SymbolLife™
Spent a glorious sunny Spring day on the allotment today. Jonny recently posted a photo celebrating the great weather we’ve had (on and off) recently. And today was another stunner. Having oh-so-mocked, it’s good to see Grace have an allotment now too… In fact there are record waiting lists at most plots across London. I’m…