Tag: Books
Plogging: You Read It Here First
One of the things I dislike about blogging is the volatility of posts: you write your heart out, and in a couple of days it’s disappeared into the aether, too far down for scrolling, rarely to be seen again. Perhaps this is why Doug Pagitt has decided that blogs are not a good way to…
Neophilia [4] | Unmask the Fantasy Self
Links: Neophilia [1] | Neophilia [2] | Neophilia [3] Over the last few posts I’ve been proposing that the Emerging Church needs to be aware of the dangers of ‘Neophilia’ – being in love with newness for newness’ sake. Neophilia is a revolutionary mode. It tries to effect quick change, but fails to settle on…
Neophilia [3] | Christian Fantasy Cycles and Stages of Faith
In the last post I tried to argue, using Booker’s excellent book ‘The Neophiliacs – Revolution in English Life in the Fifties and Sixties‘ that we must avoid sensationalism. That we must avoid the projected image, the sensational, which in the age of screens and billboards is a difficult thing to do. Booker warns that…
Neophilia [2] | Emerging Church and the Cult of Sensation | Keep it Real
‘In this our time, the minds of men are so diverse, that some think it a great matter of conscience to depart from a piece of their old customs; and again, on the other side, some be so new-fangled, that they would innovate all things, and so despise the old, that nothing can like them…
Are We Just Neophiliacs? [1]
New Year, new blog series on… Newness. Actually, I’ve been meaning to write something for some time around the book ‘The Neophiliacs – Revolution in English Life in the Fifties and Sixties’ that Christopher Booker (the first editor of Private Eye) wrote back in the late 60’s. The Amazon synopsis for ‘The Neophiliacs’ is rather…
Graham Doel Blog
See from TSK that Graham Doel is blogging through the book. If you have any questions Graham, don’t hesitate!