Tag: Books
The Dialectical Approach | Advent and Newness
I’m a big fan of McSweeney’s and The Believer magazine. On subscribing they sent me a copy of The Believer Book of Writers talking to Writers. The jacket explains that “Believer books has collected, in alphabetical order, twenty-three conversations and correspondences between much admired writers and the writers they admire.” It’s excellent. When people dialogue,…
German Edition Out Now…
Apparently the title didn’t translate very well… ISBN 3-928093-73-8 €14,80 Part of an excellent forth-coming series on the Emerging Church by C+P Verlag. Accompanying website to follow.
Leadership and Ethics […] 5 – What Does This Mean in Practice?
In a comment on the last post on leadership ‘Emerger’ asked: “What does this mean in real life? The most I can draw out so far is that we facilitate conversation. I don’t think that in itself is enough.” He/she then goes on to propose some thoughts on work by Carver and Bell (“John Carver…
Leadership and Ethics […] 4 – Leadership is disturbing.
For those who might just be looking in, I’ve been writing a series of posts concerning leadership in the Emerging Church. I say ‘concerning’ because I have some concerns that unless we actually deal with the leadership issue properly we will simply end up with the same church situation we are critiquing. But with tea-lights.…
Leadership and Ethics […] 3
To summarize the previous 2 posts: • Griffin proposes that we need to think differently about ethics, and this will mean we will think differently about leadership. I have taken this, in our situation, to mean that we must avoid projecting heroes or villains – which is still happening too often in ECs. •…
Leadership and Ethics […] 2
To summarize the previous post: It’s my theological contention that the Church needs to become a ‘self organizing’ system if it is to properly model the holy freedom God has given us post-Incarnation. In Griffin’s ‘The Emergence of Leadership – Linking Self-Organization and Ethics’ – he posits that there is an apparent paradox in much…