Category: Uncategorized
US Evangelicals Split Over Environment
Interesting report [ here ] from BBC’s 10 o’clock news. Navigate to the report from the link. Both sides using the same text to come to opposite conclusions. Jerry Falwell is the most dangerous man on earth. Technorati: BBC | Environment | Evangelical | Falwell
Bye-Bye Blair ¦ Political Legacies
So, after the worst kept secret in politics, Blair has finally announced he will be leaving office on 27th June after just over 10 years in power. When he swept to victory on the back of huge optimism about left-leaning government coming in after 18 years or so of Conservative power, the theme tune the…
Happy Birthday Helvetica ¦ Branding ¦ Church Typography ¦ Comic Sans
The ubiquitous Swiss font is 50 today and, with all such landmark birthdays, the celebration is tempered. For some, Helvetica is virtually a way of life. Although he has got over the worst of it now, Nic one suffered so badly that when I got him round to show me the ropes on my first…
Doing Themselves No Favours | Where is Non-Violent Resistance in Palestine Going to Come From?
We have been supporters of the Palestinian cause for a long time. It’s a simple matter of justice: a people need a viable state, and protection from an under-the-radar occupation that is clearly illegal under UN law. Poverty is extreme, unemployment sky-high, human rights violated on a day to day basis. Having been there, I…
Happy Valentine’s | Love and Suffering
So, Happy Valentine’s everyone. Who Saint Valentine was is lost in the mists of time. He got lucky though: his Saint’s day happened to fall on the day when traditionally birds chose their mates and began to nest with them. So if you get a soppy card, blame Chaucer. Last night I went for a…
Barack Obama: Is the US ready for a (Emergent) Black President?
The ever-interesting Prospect Magazine has a very good portrait of Barak Hussein Obama – the democrat whose political capital is ever-rising, and who is widely tipped to give Clinton a run for her money in the democratic nomination race. What is interesting is how Obama appears to be a figure who would resonate with much…