Category: Uncategorized
“Turn off the TV, Forget Facebook, Just Give Your Kids Some Time”
Excellent article in The Observer yesterday: “There is evidence to suggest that this generation of parents who were brought up on videos and instant visual gratification are not going through cooing routines. There are fewer nursery rhymes, less song, storytelling and reading. All this is taken over by TV, which leaves parents free to think…
England 129-10 Australia
Don’t know if someone at the BBC was having a laugh, or having a bad day, but despite the real score being just 12-10, it felt like 129. Nothing like beating the Aussies twice in a row in World Cup matches! How does that feel, Hirschy?! Technorati: Alan Hirsch | BBC | England | Australia
Off to Greenbelt.
Always a high point of the year. Always leaves me sad that the summer is almost over, and work beckons again after 7 weeks off 🙁
Kernow | Surprised by Joy
It was a pensive flight back from Soliton on Sunday. After a riotous week on the theme of ‘Dangerous Living’, with not a little practical work thrown in too, the many great conversations I was privileged to share gave me a lot to mull over. That these happened around fire pits, or in restaurants being…
Manchester Cathedral vs.Sony
Sony have released a bloody violent game including scenes inside and around Manchester Cathedral. And, quite rightly, Manchester Cathedral are not amused. All strength to them battling against Sony. It’s not entertainment. It’s very poor taste. So do the right thing Sony. And soon. Technorati: Manchester | Cathedral | Sony
Berners-Lee Wrong on Web 2.0?
Will Samson has an interesting quote from Tim Berners-Lee revealing his thoughts on ‘Web 2.0’: “If Web 2.0 for you is blogs and wikis, then that is people to people. But that was what the Web was supposed to be all along.” I’m not a big fan of the phrase ‘Web 2.0’ either. But I…