Category: Theology
What Does it Mean to Belong?
Really good time last night at St John’s College in Durham, where I was taking part in the ‘Senior Tutors’ Forum’ – a space for all members of the St John’s community, from academics to freshers to post grads and ordinands to come together in a relaxed setting and chew over some issues. Last night…
Changing Educational… and Theological… Paradigms
Another quite brilliant animation from the RSA – this time of a lecture by Sir Ken Robinson. It’s on changing educational paradigms, but the applications to changing theological ones are there for the taking. Beautifully done, and very very inspiring.
A Letter to the Church in North America
Last weekend saw a really innovative gathering in Toronto called ‘Eighth Letter.’ It asked the simple question: if the writer of revelation had written ‘A Letter to the Church in North America’ what would they have said? A number of people were asked to present their letters – some in person, some virtually. Mine’s now…