Category: Theology

  • The Moon is the Beginning of all Religion…

    ‘I looked and looked but I didn’t see God.’ – Yuri Gagarin ‘That transcendentalism by which all men live has primarily much the position of the sun in the sky. We are conscious of it as of a kind of splendid confusion; it is something both shining and shapeless, at once a blaze and a…

  • Also Available…

    As Mutiny! gets pushed around, thought it might be worth flagging up the two other books I’ve written. They represent a fairly significant journey that I’ve been on, gradually emerging from more orthodox ideas about faith and faith-practice, to…well, something beyond that. Still, I’m proud of each book as it stands, and some great people…

  • Dirty Books: Why You Should Read Mutiny… and Why Many People Won’t

      One of the nicest parts about publishing a book is getting the feedback from people once they’ve read it. Not the reviews – that’s more distant – but actual readers on the ground. With Mutiny! (which is on special 25% discount for the next few days) what’s been interesting is hearing people’s reactions to…

  • Spiderman… His Own Worst Enemy?

    Just been to see the new Spiderman movie this evening. It’s really enjoyable – another good ‘creation myth’ for a superhero – but left me with some niggling questions, which I’ve been mulling on since. Spoiler alert… One of the key questions for films of this genre is ‘how do they become…?’ How does Spiderman…

  • ‘The Greatest Trick…’ Crucifixion as Misdirection | Religion as Illusion [3]

    Religion as Illusion [ 1 ] |  Religion as Illusion [ 2 ] I watched The Prestige again last night, and was even more impressed by it second time around – it really is a magnificent film, and, for me, more interesting than Nolan’s next work Inception. Some of the reaction to this mini-series of…

  • ‘The Prestige’ – Religion as Illusion [2]

    Religion as Illusion [ 1 ] In yesterday’s post I suggested that one of the problems within Christianity is that people believe too much. What people tend to do is suspend their rational belief in the natural, physical world for a few hours and enter into a place where they apparently believe in the supernatural…