Category: Technology
Paying Attention, Not Glazing Over: The Power of Genuine Human Presence
In response to a piece extolling the possible virtues of new technology for precipitating an educational revolution, I wrote a piece on HuffPost Tech reflecting on my own practice as a teacher, and how I feel technology should function in the classroom. It’s the kind of conversation (one of so so many) I wish I…
Iron Man 3 | After Magic | Mechanics and Craftsmen
Having been urged by lots of After Magic readers to go and see Iron Man 3, I saw it last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. The series has always had more biting wit that similar franchises, and has done well combining that with some thoughtful content too. I don’t want to talk much about the…
New Poem: ‘History’
‘History’ Living life online constantly searching and browsing and yes, having been so long an Internet Explorer, I now find myself occasionally crashing and stalling pressing back, lamenting that life isn’t Chrome smooth or one nice long Safari, thinking I could make all things well if I could click back through life munching cookies selectively…