Category: Quotations
Snow and Strangers – TAZ excerpt from Other
With the current snowy and icy conditions in the UK I thought I’d post an extract from ‘Other’ which links the huge snowfalls we’ve had in the past couple of winters to the idea of TAZ which is one of the central themes of ‘Other‘ – a welcome addition to anyone’s Christmas present pile, heartily…
Mashing Up Text [3] | Hold On, Isn’t That The Qur’an?
[ Mash Up 1 ] [ Mash Up 2 ] In the previous two posts I’ve been trying to explore what our relationship is to text, especially when the text we are reading is ‘too comfortable’. David Shields has been trying to shock people into re-thinking what next for literature in his manifesto, Reality Hunger,…
Mashing Up Text [1] | Reality Hunger
[ Mash Up 2 ] [ Mash Up 3 ] In case you missed it, there has been something of a storm raging in some parts of the world of letters over David Shields’ new book: Reality Hunger. Why? Because in this brave manifesto, he takes on the future of literature by means of ‘some…
Marilynne Robinson | Dawkins | ‘An Intellectually and Culturally Informed Christianity’
A rare interview in today’s Guardian with the author of Gilead, Housekeeping and now Home, includes this lovely quote regarding Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens: “[Dawkins] acts as if the physical world that is manifest to us describes reality exhaustively. I’m not impressed with the quality of [his] writing, or of Christopher Hitchens’ writing. If…