Category: Poems

  • New Poem: Park



    Park They will come here all of them in different groups and all of them do what they shouldn’t ………………………….like smoke on benches let dogs run wild climb up slides and push. This is the park where, on common ground through uncommon years we take our turns and rebel.   © KB 2013   Was in…

  • Poem for Maggie

    Dear Maggie if people cared less about your passing or felt less willing to pay for your parade this too was what you did to us. And if people turn backs or appear a little harsh and cruel then remember, iron lady this caring less this selfishness was you. So let the pomp begin and…

  • New Poem: ‘I Am?’



    I Am? In a corridor she turns among elbows and bags, asking among songs and candles he turns inside himself asks too while standing, boardside desks arrayed with demanding eyes she wonders just as he must have as all must have – still do – the singular searching piercing interrogation even God Almighty even the one of…

  • New Poem: ‘History’

    ‘History’ Living life online constantly searching and browsing and yes, having been so long an Internet Explorer, I now find myself occasionally crashing and stalling pressing back, lamenting that life isn’t Chrome smooth or one nice long Safari, thinking I could make all things well if I could click back through life munching cookies selectively…

  • New Poem: Poetry, Today

    Today, perhaps, out of the air words will fix and form crystallised droplets from the swirling currents of the lexicon above. And today, perhaps, from the rivers within that wash past couplets in spinning eddies, slow sheets of solid forms will edge their way across finger-thin connections. Today, stamping in hoar frost, perhaps all that…

  • The House Guest | Moving on, in time, from grief



    Grief is a strange acquaintance, someone all of us will meet some time, and need to spend time with. It’s a relationship often held in private, but I’ve wanted to talk here a little about it in public, if just to let some air in and perhaps resource others, especially when the time comes to gently…