Category: Philosophy
Radical or Conservative: What Do These Terms Mean? | Is Newness Possible
Rather than put this in the comments of the previous post, I wanted to focus in on a key point around the terms ‘conservative’ and ‘radical’ that came out of that discussion. I’m not going to pretend that I have an answer, but I’ve been wondering if there is any mileage in thinking about it…
Who’s The Monster Now? | Facing the Other in the Self
Interesting post from Brian McLaren, who, via a piece from Miroslav Volf, asks who the next ‘monster’ will be given that Bin Laden is dead: Fear is a foolish counselor, and it is also an addictive one. As the work of Rene Girard and others makes clear, our national anxieties love to vent themselves on…
Free Will | Determinism | Heaven | Hell
Very good episode of In Our Time this week, which looked at free will. 50 mins or so – and very well worthwhile listening to, especially in the context of the debate on heaven and hell which is still rumbling around the publication of Rob Bell’s new book, Love Wins. There are serious problems on…
‘Heaven Is for Real’… or is Heaven ‘The Real’? | A Psychoanalytical view of Paradise and Hell
Thanks to KV for putting me on to a book that has been quietly notching up huge sales in the US. ‘Heaven is for Real‘ is the true story of a 4 year old boy, who ‘died’ and went to heaven, and then came back: Just two months shy of his fourth birthday, Colton Burpo,…