Category: Philosophy

  • Empathy: Seeing Myself as The Other Sees Me [1]

    One of the themes I have been wrestling with in the new writing I am doing (firm news on that soon, I hope) is around the subject of empathy for ‘the other.’ Philosophical lines appear to have been drawn between thinkers like Levinas on the one hand, and Hegel/Zizek/Lacan on the other. I personally felt…

  • Zizek vs Milbank | Christianity as the Death and Resurrection of God

    A very interesting, if complex, debate at the ICA last night between Slavoj Zizek – atheist, Marxist – and John Milbank – ‘radical orthodox’ theologian. Both are clearly fearsome intellects, though doubtless Zizek has the better jokes. It would be an impossible task (actually, Thomas Lynch does a great job here!) to even attempt a…

  • Let’s Talk About the Weather… | ‘Metereoethics’

    In the conversation menu for The School of Life dinner I attended earlier in the week there were a number of aphorisms and quotations to get people thinking, and a few rules too. One rule was based on Oscar Wilde’s famous quote: Conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative. I actually…

  • In the Dining Room of The School of Life

    Having sniffed around all the interesting things they’ve been doing since they started 8 months or so ago, I finally went to an event by The School of Life. And very wonderful it was too. Taking over the top floor of the excellent Marylebone restaurant The Providores, we arrived and were sat deliberately with people…

  • The Limits of the Market | The Public Good

    An excellent discussion starter here from Michael Sandel (The BBC’s 2009 Reith Lecturer) on the limits of the market. In it he discusses what should and should not be sold, raising some very interesting questions about surrogate pregnancy, prostitution and hard labour. His point is made best, I feel, in relation to war: would it…