Category: Philosophy
Election Thoughts [4] | The Problem of Apathy
Election Thoughts [1] | Election Thoughts [2] | Election Thoughts [3] In the previous post I concluded that the terrorising dimension of the pressure to choose is not simply down to our ignorance of what the choices might mean, or even our ignorance of what we actually want, but our fear of not really knowing who…
Election Thoughts [3] | The Terrorising Pressure of Choice | Who Do We Want To Be?
Election Thoughts [1] | Election Thoughts [2] In the previous two posts I’ve tried to set out a critique of the choice agenda that main parties are promoting, and also the ‘rights’ / devolved power agenda that is a central tenet of the Conservative Party manifesto. The key question that was rightly asked yesterday was…
Mashing Up Text [3] | Hold On, Isn’t That The Qur’an?
[ Mash Up 1 ] [ Mash Up 2 ] In the previous two posts I’ve been trying to explore what our relationship is to text, especially when the text we are reading is ‘too comfortable’. David Shields has been trying to shock people into re-thinking what next for literature in his manifesto, Reality Hunger,…
Mashing Up Text [2] | Sola Scriptura?
In the previous post I raised the issue of reality in our reading of texts. David Shields’ latest book Reality Hunger forces the reader to think carefully about what is true, what is original and what is stolen by virtue (or otherwise, depending on your point of view) of it’s lack of referencing of other…
Mashing Up Text [1] | Reality Hunger
[ Mash Up 2 ] [ Mash Up 3 ] In case you missed it, there has been something of a storm raging in some parts of the world of letters over David Shields’ new book: Reality Hunger. Why? Because in this brave manifesto, he takes on the future of literature by means of ‘some…
Theological ‘Lock In’ | I Am Not A Gadget | Bad Faith [4]
[ Lock In [1] ] [ Lock In [2] ] [ Lock In [3] ] Our interaction with technologies does have an effect on our personhood. While we may not be gadgets, our tool-use is actually an important part of our personhood. It is one of the things that makes us human. The danger that Jaron…