Category: News
Christian Armed Robber Talked Down By Christian Shop Assistant
Extraordinary story on the BBC site today. An armed robber who raided a mobile phone shop in Florida was talked down from his robbery by a shop assistant who ‘spoke to him about Jesus.’ The man said he was a Christian and was “embarrassed” to be doing what he was doing but that he needed…
The Spirit Level Debate – Inequality is Contentious
One of the sources I quote a number of times in Other is The Spirit Level – Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett. The thrust of their thesis is very simple: by collating hundreds of studies over a long period of time they have concluded that the…
Other Released Today! | ‘This is a brilliant work’ | Free talk download
It’s great to have the book released in the UK today (more news on a US release shortly I hope) – I really hope people enjoy it and get something from it. I’ll be talking a little bit about the book at the next Apple event this Wednesday – details here – and it’d be…
Book Release – 2 Days to go! | ‘Startling, heart-warming and thought-provoking’
Just back from a great week on Iona, and very much looking forward to ‘Other‘ being released on Monday. Get your local bookseller to order it and support them if you can. Amazon have already dispatched any pre-ordered copies, and it’d be great if people could make some noise and get the word out there if…
Let Me Touch Him | 60 Great Album Covers
I’m off to Iona for a week now, so will not be posting much. While I’m away, have a browse of the utterly fabulous ‘60 Awesome Christian Music Album Covers.‘ My two particular favourites: Have a great week. And don’t forget: ‘Other‘ is released next week, and there’s going to be a free-for-all launch do…
Thoughts on a New Government
(Brown writes his letter wishing David Cameron well – from a great set of photos on his last hours here) The waiting is over. We have a new government, what some are calling the ‘ConDems’. My feelings are mixed. They range from huge disappointment and concern at the return of a Conservative administration, to relief…