Category: News
Update | Rooks
Thought it might be worth posting an update here to say…that there may not be many updates here. I’m currently focusing hard on some new writing work, a piece of long fiction, so will be probably posting here less, unless it’s going badly, in which case I’ll be procrastinating right here. I spent the last…
e-Edition of The Complex Christ / Signs of Emergence
Happy to announce that there is now a Kindle version of my first book The Complex Christ – released in the US as Signs of Emergence. An iBookstore / ePub format version will be available soon too. It’s nearly 10 years since the book was released, and I’ve moved a long way since that time,…
After Magic
A friend has been reading After Magic recently, and while chatting on the phone to them I picked up a copy again and turned to the section they were on… then ended up re-reading it myself! It was good to do, having had a bit of distance from it for a while. I am…
iOS 7 | Robot Cockroaches | Prism
Sometimes a group of news stories come out that make you think that perhaps there is some divinely comic dark force behind everything. God, or The Bilderberg Group. Or Prehistoric Lizards. In the last couple of days we’ve had a triad of such stories…and I refuse to believe that they are unrelated. Firstly, we’ve had…
Mutiny at TED – Put Down Your iPads and Strap on Your Eye Patches!
Was a HUGE privilege to be invited to speak at TEDx Exeter in April this year. I was given 12 minutes to speak on piracy, so decided to take one aspect of Mutiny! and look at how pirates work to defend and enrich the commons. In preparing the talk it struck me that TED is actually…
Lesbian Witch Devil Spawn Faggots! And Other Demons…
Been following with interest the US Supreme Court deliberations on the right to gay marriage – a debate that has been going on in various other parts of the world too. What’s interesting is the vociferous nature of the opposition from religious groups on the right. I mean, they really hate this. Which is odd……