Category: News
Mary Douglas Has Died
Mary Douglas, whose work ‘Purity and Danger’ I am heavily indebted to for the ‘dirty’ bits of Signs of Emergence, has died. Obituary here. "In 1966, Douglas published her most celebrated work, Purity and Danger: an Analysis of Concepts of Pollution and Taboo. This book is best remembered for its stylish demonstration of the ways…
First Pilotless Police CCTV Drone Launches
Following up on the recent post about CCTV, I just had to post this story. Am I alone in thinking this is seriously worrying? That we are sleepwalking into a Stasi-style surveillance society? Get your catapults and air guns loaded my friends, the battle starts here. Technorati: BBC | CCTV | Drone | Police |…
Death-Wish | Don’t Demonise Cho
The release of Cho’s video all over the media is just another example of technology being used without proper restraint, not unlike the shooting itself. It’s a horrific violation of those suffering. In a previous post, and in the comments that followed, I was trying to probe a link between these killings and the spate…
Dangerous Representation ¦ Chocolate Jesus’ Penis ¦ Trickster Art
In news rather like that surrounding the furore over Andreas Serrano’s ‘Piss Christ‘, the BBC are reporting ‘outrage’ over a 6 foot chocolate Jesus being displayed in a gallery in Manhattan. The piece, entitled ‘My Sweet Lord’ is by the artist Cosimo Cavallaro has drawn huge fire from the Catholic League, who described the piece…
Don’t Renew Trident | Eno/Albarn/Del Naja/Greenpeace
For today only you can catch a web-cast of the Anti-Trident performance of ‘5 minutes to Midnight’ on the decks of Greenpeace’s Arctic Sunrise last night while moored off Westminster on the Thames. The piece was written by Damon Albarn, Brian Eno and Robert del Naja. “I would say that even if Trident was a…