Category: News
We ALL Like Paper-clip Thieving, Staple Snatching Sheep Have Gone Astray
According to some new research, over two thirds of the population have ‘broken the law at some point’. The law-abiding majority appears to be a myth… Or is ‘borrowing’ from work, whether phone calls or stationary, a victimless crime, and part of the payback we expect from the Faustian pact we make with companies in…
Urgent Help Needed – Fire at The Simple Way Community
Many of you will know Shane Claiborne, and maybe will have read his book The Irresistible Revolution, or read about The Simple Way community in Philadelphia. A fire has totally destroyed their buildings. 8 families are homeless. Please read on and consider supporting these wonderful people in this great time of need:
London Olympics Logo | Newness Disturbs?
So, the debate over the new London Olympics brand has raged on for more days than a debate about a graphic really ought to… Hasn’t it? Initially it was just the aesthetics, but, while many people mentioned it made them feel sick, but then some of the video pieces really did. The Mayor has waded…
Is Islam Violent? | Funding Moderation
The government has just announced £1m funding to support Islamic Studies courses at universities, in the hope that wider student bodies and better courses will encourage moderate Islam to prosper where fundamentalism currently reigns. It’s a course I’d be interested in doing, if only to answer some troubling questions even my basic explorations have thrown…
Dave Eggers | Valentino Achak Deng | Sudan
I went to hear Dave Eggers in conversation with Valentino Achak Deng at the ICA this evening. It was wonderful, moving and sad and funny. Deng was one of the Lost Boys in Sudan. After his town was pillaged by militias, he got separated from his family and joined 4000 or so other young boys…
Freedom of Information ¦ Sodom and Gomorrah ¦ Power and Accountability
‘Thought for the Day’ this morning was an excellent piece by Martin Palmer. MP’s have recently voted to exclude themselves from their own Freedom of Information legislation – a move that has angered many. It seems the law-makers want everyone else to be accountable save themselves. Palmer made an interesting connection with Abraham’s bartering with…