Category: News
Advent[ures] in Incarnation [6] | Born Free and Equal in Dignity
Tomorrow (10th) is ‘International Human Rights Day,’ commemorating the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the UN. Article 1 famously reads: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” Incarnation…
#Cumbrian #Floods | Once in a 1000 Years?
Lovely cartoon in The Independent today summed up the idiocy of the Environment Agency’s pleas that they’d done enough by building flood defenses based on 100-year worst flood data. It’s a new world. The old records may as well be ripped up.
#Humanists Need to Give Children Choice Too
The people who brought you the ‘there’s probably no God, so just relax and get on with life’ have created a new campaign aimed at parents. They want to encourage parents to give their children freedom of choice. The campaign urges parents not to label children with their beliefs. The key problem here is, of…
New Book Unveiled : ‘Other: Loving Self, God and Neighbour in a World of Fractures’
It’s pretty much a year to the day since I began writing my new book, and I now that the contracts are all exchanged I thought it was time to pop the lid off and start getting the word out there. Don’t go rushing to Amazon just yet – it’ll be on shelves in July…
Apple2:Tool.Shed:Heidegger on Technology : Tuesday 13th Oct
The 2nd Apple event is happening this coming Tuesday. You really should be there. Apple is a Vaux production, a short series of conversations focused specifically on the interplay between theology and technology. This month we are really excited to have Alistair Duncan – an architect from IBM and member of The Garden in Brighton…