Category: Education
The Money Will Run Out, And Christians Will Have to Take Aim and Fire on the Poor
As the US battles with itself over the debt crisis, and Europe struggles to get to grips with economically weaker nations threatening the Euro, I’ve been mulling over a conversation I had with Tom Sine and another significant leader who’ll I’ll call B at Wild Goose a month or so ago (I won’t name him,…
Tsskk Tsskk… Why Do Kids Play Music on Buses?
Interesting piece yesterday looking at why kids might play their crappy, tinny music through their stupid phones when on buses on trains. And why good, responsible adults might find their blood boiling when it happens. With mobile phones in many a teenager’s pocket, the rise of sodcasting – best described as playing music through a…
Becoming Conscious of the ‘Other Other’ [3]
Other Other [1] | Other Other [2] In the previous two posts I’ve been trying to tease out some of the issues being engaging ‘the other’ – especially the problem of there being ‘other others’ who we may not have considered when we act. One response to the exponentially expanding series of others is to…
Forget Black History Month
I came across this poster advertising ‘Black History Month‘ at a local school. Black History Month now lasts… 5 days. I don’t think the school have it wrong actually. As a teacher I can see that Black History Month has become a distortion which can actually serve to perpetuate the white Euro-centric view of history.…
What Does it Mean to Belong?
Really good time last night at St John’s College in Durham, where I was taking part in the ‘Senior Tutors’ Forum’ – a space for all members of the St John’s community, from academics to freshers to post grads and ordinands to come together in a relaxed setting and chew over some issues. Last night…