Category: Economics
Paula Le DieuA Brief History of Copyright | Do Lectures
Really nice video here (thanks to Luke Sital Singh for pushing it my way) from the Do Lectures weekend in 2011, at which the Director of Digital content at the British Film Institute, Paula Ledieu, gives a short history of copyright, what’s gone wrong with it, and how it needs to be fixed. This…
Pirates as Proto-Marxists, and Why This Shouldn’t Give You a ‘Red Alert’
As I build up to coming over the US to speak about Mutiny in about a month’s time – details to follow soon – I’m going to be blogging a bit more about the book, and the wide themes that it covers. Reading Tad Delay’s blog today though, inspired me to mention a perspective on…
A Very Modern Decathlon: Who Would Win the ‘Whole Person’ Olympic Gold?
One of the things I liked about Tom Wolfe’s novel I Am Charlotte Simmons is the journey that one of the main characters, Jojo, takes, from ‘dumb college jock’ to athletic student of philosophy. It’s an arc that’s not that uncommon: the pursuit of excellence in sport requires careful reflection on the self; top…
The End of ACTA – European Parliament Seeing Sense on Copyright / DRM
Good news today: the European Parliament has voted down the proposed Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) – an act which has some parallels with the SOPA / PIPA legislation that was proposed in the US. ACTA sought to tighten up rules on intellectual property, but proposed to do so in ways that would have been highly…
Mutiny! Available Now!
The time for Mutiny has finally come! I was going to wait until everything had worked itself through various systems and things were sorted on Amazon and iBookstore etc, but in the end I thought sod it – just let the thing run free now… especially as Lulu are offering a really nice site-wide discount…
Mutiny [3] – Saying What You Want to Say | ‘Total Theology’
I’ve been talking in the previous two posts about why I’ve chosen to self publish my forthcoming book on pirates – firstly as a statement about regaining control of the means of production and secondly about attempting to get some debate going about copyright and reinvigoration of the public domain. The third reason concerns the…