Category: Economics
The Futures is Ours to Decide – It’s Time to Put Our Mouth Where Our Money Is.
A couple of months ago an esteemed educationalist – a Knight of the Realm no less – came to the school I teach in to do some training. One part of his remit was inviting us to think about the future of education, and he began by excitedly delivering a slick speech about how children…
The Trauma of the Infinite
In a recent post examining notions of time and our relationship to it, Peter Rollins concluded: Instead of the eternal being simply the ongoing now (the pagan notion), this understanding sees the eternal as the dwelling in all three registers. This is nothing less than the combining of past, present and future into a mass…
Edward Snowden: Modern-Day Pirate?
Over the past 48 hours the number of countries saying ‘no’ to Edward Snowden’s application for asylum has grown rapidly. From Austria to Brazil, Finland to Spain, it seems that representatives from nations on Snowden’s list have been queuing up with their statements and sad shakes of their head. Attempts have been made to place…
Mutiny at TED – Put Down Your iPads and Strap on Your Eye Patches!
Was a HUGE privilege to be invited to speak at TEDx Exeter in April this year. I was given 12 minutes to speak on piracy, so decided to take one aspect of Mutiny! and look at how pirates work to defend and enrich the commons. In preparing the talk it struck me that TED is actually…