Category: City Life
Why Go to Festivals When the Music Sounds Sh*t?
Interesting piece in The Independent yesterday, asking why people bother going to festivals when the sound quality is crap, there’s mud everywhere, you can’t sleep, and people push and spill beer all over you. I visited Glastonbury once, many years ago now, and left utterly mystified. Why, I wondered at the time, did so many…
Tsskk Tsskk… Why Do Kids Play Music on Buses?
Interesting piece yesterday looking at why kids might play their crappy, tinny music through their stupid phones when on buses on trains. And why good, responsible adults might find their blood boiling when it happens. With mobile phones in many a teenager’s pocket, the rise of sodcasting – best described as playing music through a…
What About the Homeless Who Don’t Have Golden Voices?
Undoubtedly a moving story – a guy fallen on hard times begs by the side of the road and is ‘rediscovered’ as having the perfect voice for radio and voice-overs. Just begs the question… are the homeless who aren’t so blessed with some great talent not worth helping?
I’m Nightmaring of a White Christmas
Although the official records will say that bookmakers paid out on a ‘white Christmas’ in London in 1999 and 1996 (the technical definition being a snowflake falling on the London Weather Centre on that day) the last proper blanketing of snow on Christmas Day was apparently in 1895, which is right back in the picture-postcard…
Selling Short: No Christian Should be involved in Spread Betting
A free supplement in The Independent today is all about spread betting: what it is, what the pitfalls are. It was pretty clear: there are potentially huge rewards, but because you can bet whatever money you like on each share, you can actually be exposed to huge losses too. Fine, whatever. But what disgusted me…