Category: Church
What Exactly is Community? | Gathering Around an Absent Christ [2]
In the previous post I looked at the apparent need for a community to gather around a common purpose, and how the beauty of Christian community is that it paradoxically gathers round an absence – thus both preventing those in the community from having a purely inward focus, and driving them to encounter and engage…
What Does it Mean to Belong?
Really good time last night at St John’s College in Durham, where I was taking part in the ‘Senior Tutors’ Forum’ – a space for all members of the St John’s community, from academics to freshers to post grads and ordinands to come together in a relaxed setting and chew over some issues. Last night…
Changing Educational… and Theological… Paradigms
Another quite brilliant animation from the RSA – this time of a lecture by Sir Ken Robinson. It’s on changing educational paradigms, but the applications to changing theological ones are there for the taking. Beautifully done, and very very inspiring.
A Letter to the Church in North America
Last weekend saw a really innovative gathering in Toronto called ‘Eighth Letter.’ It asked the simple question: if the writer of revelation had written ‘A Letter to the Church in North America’ what would they have said? A number of people were asked to present their letters – some in person, some virtually. Mine’s now…
Pirates, Monastics and the Death of the Emerging Church… Two Podcasts I’ve Recorded
I know, I know, you wait ages for a good podcast to come along, and then two come along at once! First, one I recorded for Moot, in conversation with Ian Mobsby, taking in Other, critiques of new monasticism and whole host of other things. Secondly, one I recorded for the Nomad series, which looks…
Stephen Fry on What Went Wrong with Christianity…
An imperfect argument, I’m sure. But some powerful words here that we’d all do well to heed. It’s 20 mins long, but well worth a listen – especially in his plea to see theological nonsenses like purgatory for what they are – unbiblical, manipulative crap. His conclusion that Jesus would be cast out of the…