Category: Books
Review of Pete Rollins’ New Book: Insurrection
It’s been good getting to know Pete over the past few years. Our first books came out at pretty similar times, when we were both involved in similar projects in Ikon and Vaux, and since then I’ve come to count him as a good friend, and companion on a journey. The very nature of conversation…
‘Other’ – a Book for a Post 9/11 World
As we come round to 10 years since 9/11 I wanted to do a quick plug of Other, for the simple reason that it meets head on the challenges of living in a world where difference so desperately needs to be understood. Whether it’s personal issues of depression or the alienating effects of technology, or…
The Pirates’ Gospel
Thought it would be good to catch people up a little on what I’ve been working on the last couple of weeks. As you’ll know if you’ve read here for any time, one of my areas of interest is around pirates and piracy. I posted a series entitled ‘A Plea for Christian Piracy’ some time…
Wild Goose | US Edition of Other
I got back from Wild Goose early yesterday morning and had to travel immediately to work to teach. So just about emerging from a jet-lagged coma and appreciating what a good time, and a good thing, Wild Goose was. The dream of having an ‘American Greenbelt’ seemed – to talk to lots of US people…