Category: Books
Mutiny! Available Now!
The time for Mutiny has finally come! I was going to wait until everything had worked itself through various systems and things were sorted on Amazon and iBookstore etc, but in the end I thought sod it – just let the thing run free now… especially as Lulu are offering a really nice site-wide discount…
Mutiny [5] – Original Pirate Material
Check back tomorrow for some big news on Mutiny… but in the mean time, here’s the book stack that influenced most of my thinking. Some you should be familiar with, others may be not so! As you can see…the source material for this one is wide and varied, and hopefully a little different from some…
Mutiny [4] – TAZ | ‘Sending a Cow After a Hare’ | A Merry Life, and a Short One
I’ve been blogging through some of the reasons I’ve chosen to self-publish my new book, Mutiny – Why We Love Pirates and How They Can Save Us, exploring ideas of controlling the means of production, re-imagining ideas of copyright and being able to say exactly what I want to say. One of the final reasons…
Mutiny [3] – Saying What You Want to Say | ‘Total Theology’
I’ve been talking in the previous two posts about why I’ve chosen to self publish my forthcoming book on pirates – firstly as a statement about regaining control of the means of production and secondly about attempting to get some debate going about copyright and reinvigoration of the public domain. The third reason concerns the…
Mutiny! [2] – Rethinking Copyright and Enriching the Public Domain
The second big reason I’m choosing to self-publish Mutiny! is to do with copyright issues. One of the things I explore in the book is how messed up ideas of copyright have become, moving far away from the sense in which it was originally intended. You can read the whole argument below, but, in…
Mutiny! [1] – Controlling the means of Production
So… I’m really pleased to announce that my latest book – Mutiny! Why We Love Pirates, And How They Can Save Us – is almost ready for release. You should be able to get your eyes on it in the next month or so! As it comes to publication, I’ve wanted to blog a few…