Category: Books
Hacking Mutiny [2] – Design your own Bespoke Paperback
Back in London for a few days after a great break in Italy. It’s been great hearing how much people are enjoying the book and being challenged by it. Keep the reviews coming – as tweets or blog posts or, if you’re able to, on Lulu and Amazon too. As I’ve said before, one of…
Hacking Mutiny! [1]
The limited edition hardbacks I printed up of Mutiny! were pretty much a wild success ;-)… Lots of people wanted them, and people seem pretty pleased with the results. I may end up doing another limited run after the summer (and will have a few available at Greenbelt, plus perhaps some in the US in…
On Pirates and Parrots
Had a question come in via Twitter the other day, asking why pirates have traditionally been depicted as having parrots on their shoulders, so thought I’d post some quick thoughts… Truth be told, there is little evidence that lots of pirates did have parrots perched on them – the image appears to have begun with…
As copies of Mutiny! get around and are being read, people have been getting in touch highlighting some typos etc.. I have mixed feelings about this… obviously I aimed to put out a ‘perfect’ manuscript, but at the same time, was aware that with the model I was using I didn’t have the services of…
‘For Nic’
“Cancer takes so much, it’s ruthless, however there are some things it can’t touch. It can’t take how you feel about someone; it can’t steal what has already been written…” Seems that copies of Mutiny! are arriving and people are getting stuck in, which is brilliant. Can’t wait to hear how people have found it…though,…
Press / Review Copies of Mutiny
As Mutiny! is being self-published, there’s no ‘big machine’ behind it to be able to easily distribute lots of gratis copies for reviewers…sorry! However, I obviously want people to be able to get hold of the book if they are going to help publicise it. So, for a limited time, I’ve arranged for reviewers to…