Category: Blogs | Social Networks | New Media
The Nausea of Digital Reflux
Re-pins, re-tweets, re-posts, likes, shares and reddits… sometimes social networks seem like a case of terrible digital reflux, where everything you consume is reprocessed, redigisted, remixed, reconstituted…and begins to repeat on you. Surfing the net soon makes me ache for the quiet privacy and mystery of making original. Sketching, writing, playing, thinking without surfing, reading…
Is All This Sharing Really… Sharing?
Quick thought on the ubiquity of sharing… Retweets, reposts, links, shares… there are countless ways to propagate information, funny stories, things of interest (and obviously I rely on that for people to end up reading here.) But I began thinking yesterday… all of these shares are ‘non rivalrous.’ A rivalrous good, in economics, is one…
Speaking Publicly to Myself | Social Media as Therapeutic Chat-bot | Digital Prayer
I’ve been writing a piece about Alan Turing – who was born 100 years ago in June and was the godfather of artificial intelligence. His ‘Turing Test’ still endures as a fascinating ongoing game between humans and computers, whereby a computer can pass the Turing Test if it can convince a human interlocutor that they are conversing…
Reducing Things to 3 Dimensions: The Problem of Pleasure in a Digital Age
Something Pete Rollins tweeted this morning got me thinking a bit: “Often the problem we face is not a lack of enjoyment, but an inability to enjoy our enjoyment.” I think this is a particular concern in a world where so much of our lives is now mediated. Rather than attend a party, we attend…
Snap Now, Focus Later | Is the Lytro the End of Photography?
There are so many technology stories every week it can be hard to know what’s significant or not. But this piece on the BBC about a new sort of camera has kept me thinking all day, so I thought I’d blog something about it. Put simply, the ‘Lytro’ camera – available for pre-order, but not…
Is it wrong to be a man?
I’ve been reflecting a bit on the conversation about the ‘Year of Opposition’, and the comments in particular that dealt with gender imbalance. What has really struck me about the above conversation is that all the voices are male. And I wonder whether the language of “thrashing things out” and the imagery of the boxing…