Category: Blog Posts
Theology and Fiction: Telling Stories of Order Amidst The Chaos
I just this week finished John Yorke’s book Into the Woods: How Stories Work and Why We Tell Them. It was recommended by a good friend who’s a director in theatre and is also now writing for television. She insisted that I read it before I began any more writing. I’m really glad I did, for…
Fake News + Zuckerberg’s Algorithms = Blogging Again
I’m going to start blogging again more regularly. In the force of the wave of Facebook, it felt for a while like there was little point posting stuff elsewhere, but I’ve recently become frustrated with the whole ecosystem there, and not a little disgusted by the way that the site has functioned during the recent…
No More ‘God In the Midst of Suffering’
Perhaps it’s why he smokes. Giles Fraser is a good man. I’ve a lot of respect for him. But in the wake of the comments that Stephen Fry made about God being an ‘evil maniac,’ he’s written a piece that I simply cannot agree with. His argument that Fry has set up the wrong kind…
Some Invigorating Shit
Very smart piece by Janani Balasubramanian in The New Inquiry 0n the move in the US by the Federal Drug Administration to reclassify human excrement as an ‘Investigational New Drug.’ I actually tweeted about a similar story on the BBC website last year, which outlined the growth in the use of fecal transfers to treat…
Site Under Re-Construction
Going to be doing a little (much over-due) work on this site over the next few weeks. Please use the other sidewalk, and mind the gaping holes.
On Being Let Down: iPhone 6 and the Politics of Disappointment
So here we are. It is, as Stephen Fry put it, ‘most exquisite mobile ever made.’ It is thinner, faster, bigger, more clever and lasts longer. Except, if you keep it in your pocket it bends. Except, in a year or so it’ll seem slow, heavy, stupid, with a weak heart. Better to accept it:…