Category: AI
‘Falling asleep at the wheel’ – a cautionary tale about good AI
I’ve been away for a break up in the French Alps – a wonderful time and place, and a great chance to mulch while hiking from bright sunshine up over the snow line about Getting High, and God-Like and the connections between them. So I was delighted when my good friend Jonathan got in touch…
Hallucination: an ancient and modern concern
I’ve been asked a few times about how the work I did in GETTING HIGH links to the issues raised in the new book GOD-LIKE, and I wanted to answer that with some thoughts around the issue of hallucination. GETTING HIGH plots the history of the human quest for flight, mainly through the twin prisms…
AI-Cadabra: say it’s AI and make it so | Talking AI with Caputo
In the last post I set out how we see a sense of ‘magic’ being ascribed to AI systems – especially Generative AI – and this is no more clear than in the icons that tend to get used for them. I’ve been in New Mexico this week for a family wedding, so have been…
Living with the Algorithm – an expert interview with Lord Tim Clement-Jones
It was both a great privilege and great fun to interview Lord Tim Clement-Jones as part of the expert AI conversations that I am putting together. Tim is one of the leading voices in the House of Lords around AI regulation and online safety, and brings great wisdom and passion – and wit – to…
There’s nothing we can do to stop AI stealing all our jobs! Except… urrm…
Atlantic magazine unearthed an extraordinarily candid video interview a couple of weeks ago, in which Brian Wu – a senior engineer at OpenAI responded to a question about AI’s impact on work: ‘I guess it’s kind of deeply unfair that, like, a group of people can build AI and just take everyone’s jobs away, and,…