Category: AI

  • There’s nothing we can do to stop AI stealing all our jobs! Except… urrm…

    Atlantic magazine unearthed an extraordinarily candid video interview a couple of weeks ago, in which Brian Wu – a senior engineer at OpenAI responded to a question about AI’s impact on work: ‘I guess it’s kind of deeply unfair that, like, a group of people can build AI and just take everyone’s jobs away, and,…

  • Process This: Artificial Intelligence

    Absolutely delighted to announce that, through the next few weeks, I’ll be curating a series of conversations around the book with the very excellent Tripp Fuller. This will begin this Wednesday with a live-stream conversation at 6pm UK time which you will be able to watch on YouTube here – or via the embed below:…

  • Discussing AI / God-like on BBC Radio

    Great to be invited onto William Crawley’s TalkBack show on BBC Radio Ulster this lunchtime to discuss the book, and AI impacts in general. Listen to the segment here: William is a fantastic broadcaster, and a very sharp thinker around politics, social issues and theology. Have so enjoyed talking with him in the past, and…

  • Less-than-OpenAI

    So interesting seeing the reporting of this this morning. OpenAI release a new version of ChatGPT… and the focus is on the fact that the voice is flirty, and that it can do equations. But less coverage has been given to the fact that ‘Open’ AI have been very much less than open about what’s…

  • AI Eno

    My good friend Barry Taylor put me onto a site that a friend of his has created around the works of Brian Eno. The ‘Eno Bot’ is a (Not Very) Large Language Model – an AI trained on the accumulation of Eno’s writings, and coded into a chat interface. What’s interesting about this being an…

  • Algorithm as mirror

    An interesting study out today has found that teens “prefer a social media completely customized for them, depicting what they agree with, what they want to see and, thus, who they are.” “In our qualitative interview study of teens 13-17, we found that personalized algorithmic content does seem to present what teens interpret as a…