Author: KB

  • Take to the streets! (with chocolate)

    It’s hard to know how to process the final run up to the US election. It seems so absurd and unreal – everything drawn in hyper-caricature, no sense allowed to be made, single apostrophes being asked to carry the weight of a whole democracy, and a stunt in a garbage truck more powerful a signifier…

  • Eternally You – performing the god-like act of resurrection

    Hitting TV screens in the UK right now is a new BBC Storyville documentary, Eternally You, ‘delving into world of startups using AI to create avatars of the deceased.’ The Guardian ran a 5-star review of it, which I do think it deserves. As they outline: Joshua Barbeau […] uses it to talk to his…

  • Music Creation in the Age of AI


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    Delighted to be chairing a panel on Music Creation in the Age of AI on Monday 28th November at Somerset House. Grab a ticket here. Hosted by the excellent On Da Beat records, I’ll be joined by Annemarie Gaillard (Head of Creative Partnerships at DAACI Drums), Nathan Duvall, (Founder of and Toby Akinyemi, (CEO…

  • Not OK, Computer?

    “The unlicensed use of creative works for training generative AI is a major, unjust threat to the livelihoods of the people behind those works, and must not be permitted.” – AI Training Statement / Over 11,000 artists, writers, actors, musicians and others in the creative industries have signed the above statement, expressing their opposition…

  • Poetry Reading

    This Thursday, 24th Nov, I’m going to be giving a poetry reading in London. This is a rare thing. I have written quite a bit of poetry, and had some pieces published, but not often given a public airing! So… if you’d like to come and see if I should make it even more rare…

  • Talk in Reading – Monday 15th October

    I’ll be in Reading tomorrow evening (Monday 14th) speaking about the book and helping lead a discussion about the issues around AI and our relationship to machines, and one another. Info here about the event! And you can hear my segment on BBC Radio Berkshire this morning here: I’ll have some copies of the book…