‘People want the human story’ – Björn Ulvaeus on new AI ‘artist’

Interesting piece on the Today programme this morning about a new ‘artist’… who is totally AI generated: Ben Gaya

It’s… not what I’d call a ‘hit’ – though they do. But it raises interesting questions about the purpose of art, of music… and of ‘soul’. Because, whatever the new sunny uplands of AI, soul is what it ain’t got, and never can have.

Which is why Björn is right to talk about people still wanting ‘the human story.’ This is something I covered at the Future Narrative Lab event last week – which I wrote about here. Craft… graft… toil… is that where the soul is, in ‘the blues’ of creation? However good Ben might sound, it’ll never sound as good as true genius feels.

Also… that hair. Dude…!