Buying (sic)

Thanks to Jonny for the heads up on (sic).

Just a note – if you’re in the US the prices, including delivery are approx $23 for hardback and $15 for paperback.

From the UK the postage can be a lot. (Hardback $30 inc. delivery and $22 for paperback, about £18 or £14)

However, I can bulk order and get free postage. So if you’d like one in the UK, email me on kesterATthecomplexchristDOTcom and I’ll be able to do them for £15 hardback and £10 paperback (inc delivery in UK).

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2 responses to “Buying (sic)”

  1. jonny showed me the book yesterday… looks fantastic, really good quality.
    This is exactly what we will do with the blah… learning days coming up. We could create 3 nice little readers/primers on each of the subject matters.

  2. damnflandrz

    Now don’t get too excited… but my middle daughter scanned your book using her Barbie-Pet_Scanner thingy and your barcode gave her a dragon!!!!!