I’ve been asked a few times – more than last year, it feels, subjectively – what New Year’s resolutions I have.
A couple of times in, having dismissed the question, it was asked by my writing group. Well, when a group of writers ask, people you’ve opened your notebooks too (a place more vulnerable than your bleeding heart), ok, I thought, I’d better have a think about it.
And what I’ve been thinking is this: I don’t have any resolutions. I’m not going to try to go to the gym more, or change diet or take more fun trips…
But… that word ‘resolution’…

Beyond this definition of deciding to do something or change something, what I’ve been mulling is the sense of the word as areas of my life that are unresolved. Not so much to be more resolute about x or y, but to consider: this new year, what are the inner conflicts and dissonances that I would like to see coming to resolution?
This is less about ‘new year, new me,’ and more about a new year as a moment to consider what things I need to resolve, where more peace and grace would be welcome within my being and doing.
Not a list to be shared over a NYE cocktail. But something I’m trying to keep with me through these opening days of ’25… and beyond.
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