Apple 7 – This Wednesday!



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To coincide with the arrival of the Pope on his (now) controversial visit, Apple this month is looking at institutional religion, and asking whether its day is done as an ‘organisational technology.’

I’m really excited about the discussions we’ll be having. Jonny Baker, Ian Mobsby, Maggi Dawn and I will be discussing as a panel to begin with, then opening to the floor for continued debate. I’m going on the radio on Wednesday morning to talk about it, and there has been some interest from other media, so do come and join us if you can! (Yes, Papa Benedict, that means you too ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

I’ll have some copies of ‘Other’ on sale for a special price, and Maggi, Jonny and Ian will have wares too… Should be a really good evening! Full details here.


2 responses to “Apple 7 – This Wednesday!”

  1. is this a book fair…

  2. Haha, thought you’d like that! Of course it is ๐Ÿ˜‰