Ash In Our Mouths


Been thinking a lot about the ash cloud that continues to disrupt air-travel the world over. Perhaps it is a good time to reflect and reconsider our relationship to this under-lyingly chaotic earth.

Ash in our Mouths

Sintered earth, burned and pure is thrown up
as if the earth’s guts have sickened,
had enough, and blown up
a beacon lit warns of danger
this fire-sale of inner-materials
glinting ash, dusting our heads
leaving us more grounded
plans forced back down to earth
in this new atmosphere
of clear skies; no sack-cloth
but chastised, oil-anointed
repenting of combustion.

© KB 2010


One response to “Ash In Our Mouths”

  1. I will remember this poem until the day I die. It’s true. Muppet.