It Was 40 Years Ago Today…



Sgt PepperSgt. Pepper was released 40 years ago today. As I mentioned at a ‘God’s iPod’ interview at Greenbelt last year, it’s an album that has great memories for me. After various Thomas the Tank Engine LPs, Sgt. Pepper was the first record I really liked. I don’t know how my dad let me, but I played his ‘first edition’ version, bought the day it came out, over and over. I was about 4… and ironically my older brother, now a DJ, would always turn to me to put records on!

The final track, A Day in the Life is, for me, quite simply the best song ever written. And hence was the only choice to go out on for the last Vaux service ๐Ÿ˜‰


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3 responses to “It Was 40 Years Ago Today…”

  1. JamesKjx

    Yeah – it was great .. but following the link, it seems Vaux is back?

  2. Shhh… never quite went away ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Meeting under the radar in South East London if you’re interested…

  3. I’d be interested whenver I’m in London … I’ll keep quiet. Promise.
    What’s your take of this survey…