Pognophilia: Growing Beards for the Love of Jesus

Wilf, my faithful typographer and CEO of Ratio, and I spent a happy evening over beer some time ago discussing the objective truth that all Christian groups have their own beard. This arose out of the discovery in a book of the condition ‘pognophobia’ – a fear of facial hair.

Few Christian men have been known to suffer. Though rather more women do.

He subsequently designed these images, which still bring a tear to my eye:

Pognog® A6S-1Small-1 Pognog® A6Ssmall-1

And a rather dashing T-Shirt print, which you can click on for full size:

Pognog® Full Setsmall-2

Question is, what does the Emergent™ beard look like?


8 responses to “Pognophilia: Growing Beards for the Love of Jesus”

  1. very cool idea. :]

  2. Hey guys… Love the design…it’s sweet! Where can I get the T shirt?
    Let me know… Love the blog too – keep it up…

  3. Well, the design’s are Wilf’s, so if you want to make a T-shirt, I guess you can mail him. Follow the ‘Ratio Design’ link on the ‘Nodes’. I believe I am in possession of the sole item thus far. And very dashing it is too!

  4. For some reason whenever I try think “emergent beard” I start singing “There was an old man called Michael Fiinigan…”

  5. Martin Anderson

    Years ago a friend and I had two simple classifications for Baptist facial adornment: the Full-Baptist beard and the Half-Baptist beard. Seemed to include most people, gents and ladies, and those who didn’t even have beards – an attitude thing really.

  6. Quite right Sir. Facial hair is an attitude.
    Interesting how the ‘Orthodox’ is pretty much a WG Grace.
    Something very right and proper about that.

  7. Did me some bloggin on this very subject
    My conclusion for Emerging Facial Hair?
    The Crowder!